What Is My Company Required to Do to Protect Its Employees Against Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination, which is prohibited under federal law and many state and local laws, including the New York Human Rights Law and the New York City Administrative Code. The act of harassment itself, which generally involves some unwanted sexual conduct, is carried out by individuals in the workplace, like supervisors, co-workers, customers or vendors. But the responsibility for those actions does not rest with the individuals alone. Your employer has a responsibility to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and respond when sexual harassment occurs.

In this post, we’ll talk about the responsibilities of employers to protect their employees from sexual harassment, including requirements placed on employers by state/local and federal law. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment at your job and are concerned that your employer is not doing enough to address it, please contact Eisenberg & Baum. We have an experienced group of sexual harassment attorneys who are ready to help and advocate on your behalf.

When Can an Employer Be Held Liable for Sexual Harassment?

An employer’s liability for sexual harassment can depend on who did the harassing. If a supervisor or someone with managerial or supervisory authority engaged in the harassing conduct, the employer will generally be liable for that supervisor’s actions. If, on the other hand, someone other than a supervisor or manager engaged in the harassing activity, the employer will be liable if it knew or should have known about the harassment and failed to take steps to prevent it.

If you are an employee, it is important to know the standards by which your employer will be held liable for sexual harassment. Employees must speak up when they feel they are being sexually harassed by telling their supervisor or a human resource representative. An employer can’t prevent what it doesn’t know about, and even if you don’t believe your employer will act to stop the harassment, you will have difficulty moving forward with your sexual harassment claim if you have not first made your employer aware of the issue.

Employer Responsibilities

Fundamentally, federal law, the New York Human Rights Law, and the New York City Administrative Code require employers to provide their employees with a workplace free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. Though the laws don’t lay out many specific details about how employers must act to prevent and address sexual harassment complaints, there are a couple of basic requirements as well as some generally accepted practices that many employers use to address the issue.

Notice of Anti-Discrimination Laws

Federal law requires that certain employers take measures to address discrimination in the workplace, including sexual harassment, and properly respond when employees make discrimination claims.

Employment Discrimination LawsThe federal laws governing sexual harassment generally apply to employers with 15 or more employees. State and/or local laws may have a stricter standard. All employers subject to the federal laws are required to post a notice that describes the federal anti-discrimination laws, including the prohibition of gender discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has prepared a poster for employers that summarizes those laws and explains how employees can file discrimination claims with the agency. Employers should display the poster in a location where it will be easily seen by employees and where other notices are typically posted. The EEOC also encourages employers to make the notice available to their employees electronically.


In addition to the notice requirements, federal laws and regulations also require employers to maintain employment records for at least one year and payroll records, in particular, for three years. Employment records can be critical in a sexual harassment claim, both for the employer and employee, and the mandatory retention period can help ensure that evidence of the employee’s claim and the employer’s response are preserved. If the employee files a formal claim with the EEOC, the employer is further required to preserve any records relating to the incident until the claim is fully resolved.

Policies and Procedures

Though neither federal law nor New York state law explicitly requires an employer to adopt a sexual harassment policy and procedure for handling claims, the EEOC strongly suggests employers adopt such policies and procedures. The EEOC’s guidance on sexual harassment encourages employers to “take all steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, developing appropriate sanctions, informing employees of their right to raise and how to raise the issue of harassment under Title VII, and developing methods to sensitize all concerned.” To accomplish that, the EEOC recommends employers adopt a policy that explicitly prohibits sexual harassment. Once an employer has adopted a sexual harassment policy, they should communicate it regularly to their workforce and, perhaps most importantly, ensure that they are enforcing the policy when employees raise concerns.

The EEOC further recommends that employers adopt procedures for handling sexual harassment complaints made by their employees. The procedure should be designed with the victim in mind and not create barriers that could discourage the victim from coming forward with their complaint. Adopting the procedure and sticking it on the shelf is not enough, though. When an employer receives a sexual harassment complaint from an employee, it should follow its own policies and procedures, thoroughly investigating the complaint and, where it finds sexual harassment occurred, taking actions to stop the harassment and fix the damage done to the victim.

Protect Yourself and Your Co-workers

Employers have a duty to ensure that their workplace is free from sexual harassment. As an employee, you have the right to expect your employer to not only educate its employees about sexual harassment but also to swiftly and thoroughly address any sexual harassment complaints you raise. If you believe your employer is not sufficiently educating its employees about sexual harassment, we encourage you to speak with your supervisor or human resources department about your concerns. If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment at your job and feel your employer has not effectively responded to your complaint, please contact us. Eisenberg & Baum’s attorneys have decades of experience handling sexual harassment cases and can help you understand the merits of your claim and advise you on your next steps. We offer free initial consultations f
or sexual harassment claims and bill on a contingent fee basis, so you won’t have to pay us unless we win your case.

How Can an Employment Discrimination Claim Affect My Job?

Can an Employment Discrimination Claim Affect my JobOne of the biggest concerns any victim of employment discrimination can have is whether their job may be impacted if they file a claim. For victims of employment discrimination, there is good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news, which is that employees are protected by law from retaliation for reporting discrimination against themselves or a co-worker. The bad news is that this legal protection has not meant that retaliation has disappeared from the workplace. In fact, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency that enforces federal employment discrimination laws, while the overall number of discrimination complaints filed with its office went down last year, the percentage of those complaints based on retaliation reached an all-time high.

In this post, I’ll talk about the legal protections given to employees who file or assist with an employment discrimination claim and address some common concerns of those employees. If you believe you’ve been the victim of discrimination at work, but are concerned about the consequences of reporting the incident to your employer or filing a formal claim, please contact Eisenberg & Baum. We have a group of experienced employment discrimination attorneys who can explain your rights as a victim of discrimination and help you decide the best way to address your particular claim.

Retaliation is Prohibited By Law

As we’ve discussed in prior blog posts, federal and state laws, including the New York Human Rights Law, protect employees from discrimination in the workplace. It is against the law for an employer to make an adverse employment decision based on a protected characteristic like gender, age, race or religion. Now, imagine if an employer were allowed to punish an employee for complaining about discrimination in the workplace, like for example, a male manager sexually harassing his female employees. The business and its employees would experience a “quieting effect” where the employees would be afraid to speak out against the harassment for fear of the impact to their jobs and livelihood. For this reason, in addition to protecting employees from discrimination based on certain protected categories, federal law and the New York Human Rights Law prohibit employers from taking adverse action against an employee because the employee filed a discrimination complaint. Adverse action could include demotion, reduction in pay, firing, or any other action that would dissuade a reasonable person from making a similar complaint.

Can I Still Be Disciplined After I File an Employment Discrimination Claim?

Fired for Employment Discrimination ClaimAlthough the law protects an employee from retaliation after filing a discrimination claim, the employee generally continues to be subject to their normal terms of employment. In addition, employees in most states, including New York, are considered to be employed “at will” by default, meaning they can be terminated from their job for any reason or no reason at all, as long as that reason is not illegal. As a result, an employee who has filed a discrimination complaint may still be subject to discipline or other adverse employment actions for reasons that are not discriminatory or illegal, but employers have to be very careful in this area. If an employee can connect an adverse action taken against them back to their employment discrimination complaint, they will have a retaliation claim on top of their discrimination claim against the employer.

What if I Lose My Claim?

An employee who believes they’ve been the victim of discrimination nonetheless may be concerned about what could happen if they don’t win their claim or if they turn out to be wrong. Could their employer then discipline or fire them because they filed the complaint? The short answer is no. As long as the employee had a reasonable, good faith belief that the employment practice about which they complained was illegal, any attempt by the employer to punish the employee for filing the claim would still be considered retaliation.

Talk to an Attorney

If you’re concerned about coming forward with an employment discrimination claim and are afraid of being retaliated against by your employer, you should contact an attorney. An experienced employment discrimination attorney can advise you about the merits of your claim, the best way to pursue it, and the protections you have as a complainant. Eisenberg & Baum is ready and able to help you with your discrimination or retaliation claims, and we encourage you to contact us for a free initial consultation.Though we’re based in New York City, we have attorneys licensed in many states throughout the country and we can also become admitted pro hac vice with local counsel in other states where we are not currently admitted, so we can help no matter where you are.

What is a “Hostile Work Environment”?

Are you unhappy at work, dreading going in every day because you’re finding it more and more difficult to focus on your job? Have you heard the term “hostile work environment” and wonder if that is what you’re experiencing? The truth is, not everyone who is unhappy at work or finding it difficult to get along with their manager or coworkers is the victim of a hostile work environment. A “hostile work environment” is a specific type of employment discrimination claim under federal and state law, and certain legal criteria must be met in order for an employee to claim they’re a victim of a hostile work environment.

I’ll discuss the legal elements of a hostile work environment and give a few examples below. If you believe you’re the victim of a hostile work environment or would like to talk with someone to determine if you have a claim, please contact Eisenberg & Baum. We have a group of very experienced employment discrimination attorneys who are ready to help you understand your claim and advise you of your rights under the law. Though we’re based in New York City, we have attorneys licensed in many states throughout the country and we can also become admitted pro hac vice with local counsel in other states where we are not currently admitted, so we can help no matter where you are.

Hostile Work Environment Elements

In order to prove an employment discrimination claim based on a hostile work environment, you must be able to show that you experienced unwelcome conduct based on a legally protected characteristic and that the conduct was so severe or pervasive it affected the terms of your employment.

Unwelcome Conduct

The conduct you experience at work can be verbal (e.g., offensive jokes), visual (e.g., harassing photos or emails) or physical (e.g., groping or physical confrontation), and can come from any number of sources at your job, including supervisors, coworkers, agents and customers. However, the conduct must be considered unwelcome, meaning that you did not invite or willingly participate in the activity. In the case of a sexual harassment claim, for example, if an employee complained that his co-workers repeatedly told sexual jokes in the office, but the employee himself participated by responding with his own offensive jokes, the employee may have a difficult time proving the conduct was unwelcomed.

Protected Category

In order to be classified as discrimination, the unwelcome conduct must be based on or aimed at a protected characteristic under the law. Under federal law, the protected characteristics include race, color, national origin, gender, pregnancy, age, religion, disability, and genetic information. Many state laws also protect additional categories from discriminatory employment decisions. For example, in New York City employers are prohibited from discriminating against an employee on similar grounds as recognized under federal law as well as sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, arrest and conviction record, military status or service, observance of Sabbath, political activities, unemployment status, and status as a victim of domestic violence.

Severe or Pervasive

Hostile Work Environment at JobFinally, in order to create a hostile work environment, the conduct must be so severe or pervasive that it affects your job. Typically, an employee would need to show a pattern of harassment to meet this requirement, though in some instances a single act can be severe enough on its own to establish a hostile work environment. For example, a single, isolated instance of a co-worker telling an insulting joke may not be either severe or pervasive enough to establish a hostile work environment, but a single instance of a co-worker physically coercing an employee to participate in sexual conduct could be seen as so severe that the conduct, on its own, created a hostile work environment.

Examples of Hostile Work Environments

The courts are filled with examples of successful employment discrimination claims by employees who have been subjected to a hostile work environment. The first type of discrimination claim many people associate with a hostile work environment is sexual harassment. The case of Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc., decided by a Florida federal court in 1991, presented what could be considered a textbook case of sexual harassment leading to a hostile work environment. In that case, Lois Robinson, a woman who worked as a welder in a shipping yard, was subjected to repeated sexual conduct by male co-workers, including posting of nude photos of women throughout the workplace, writing obscene graffiti in the workplace, as well as calling Robinson derogatory names and making sexually explicit remarks to her. Although Robinson complained to her management, very little was done to respond to her complaint. The federal court found in Robinson’s favor based on the hostile work environment theory.

Sexual harassment is not the only type of discrimination claim under which the hostile work environment theory has been used. As I noted above, conduct aimed at any protected class under the law can create a hostile work environment. For example, in the 2013 New York federal court case of Turley v. ISG Lackawanna, Inc., Elijah Turley, an African-American steel plant worker, claimed he was the subject of racial discrimination at his job. According to Turley, he complained about a manager’s discriminatory actions back in 2005, and soon after complaining, found himself the subject of discriminatory conduct by a number of his co-workers. His co-workers’ conduct ranged from the use of racial epithets and graffiti all the way up to death threats. Like Lois Robinson, Turley complained about the conduct to his management with little response. Turley sued his employer arguing that the repeated racially-motivated conduct had created a hostile work environment, and a jury found in his favor, awarding him compensatory and punitive damages.

Get Legal Help

If you’re being subjected to discriminatory conduct at work that’s affecting your ability to do your job, you can take action to stop it. We recommend reporting the conduct to your employer as soon as possible and contacting an attorney to help you understand your rights under federal and state law. Eisenberg & Baum is ready and able to help you understand the law behind hostile work environment and other employment discrimination claims, and we encourage you to contact us for a free initial consultation. For employment discrimination and retaliation cases, we bill on a contingent fee basis, so you won’t have to pay us unless we win your case.