Bloomberg BNA Talks Deaf Discrimination With Eisenberg & Baum, LLP

Eisenberg & Baum Law Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing was recently featured in Bloomberg BNA’s “Health Law Reporter.” Partners Eric M. Baum and Andrew Rozynski were interviewed about the work the firm does representing the plaintiffs in deaf discrimination cases.

“The ADA for over 25 years has required places of public accommodation—including hospitals and healthcare providers—to ensure they have a means of effectively communicating with deaf and hard-of-hearing people, but many facilities don’t understand what that entails, partners Eric M. Baum and Andrew Rozynski told Bloomberg BNA.

The stakes can be high for providers because the costs of litigating the claims these individuals bring can be a lot higher than the costs of providing the interpretation services that best meet their needs, the attorneys said.”

Rozynski and Sheryl Eisenberg-Michalowski, the firm’s deaf liaison/advocate, told Bloomberg how hospitals and healthcare providers in particular often fall short of their legal obligations to patients. They also provided practical solutions to balance the cost of live interpreters with the technical challenges of virtual options. You can read the whole report here.

Top 10 Industries with Largest Gender Pay Gaps

Do you ever wonder how much you make, compared to others in your industry? Men and women may be surprised to find out the top 10 industries that continue to struggle with a large gender pay gap.

In this blog, I will review a recent PayScale study analyzing the gender pay gap across different jobs, industries, and geographies. I will explain some factors that contribute to the uncontrolled pay gap, and in what cases a gender discrimination attorney can help close the gap.

The Gender Pay Gap Persisted in 2016

When the data-management company PayScale updated its data to include information from 1.8 million employees between October 2014 and October 2016, one thing was clear: the gender pay gap was here to stay. Across the country, the overall gender wage gap was 24% – only two points lower than last year’s level. That means for ever dollar a man earns, a woman earns 76 cents. This is also higher than the 20% gender wage gap for 2015, reported by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

The Top 10 Industries With Unequal Pay

The data set has been evaluated by a number of different metrics, including geography and education level. When it comes to job category, the PayScale shows the following industries were the worst (based on uncontrolled data):

  1. Finance and Insurance (29.1%)
  2. Public Administration (25.6%)
  3. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (25.2%)
  4. Health Care and Social Assistance (23.3%)
  5. Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction (22.8%)
  6. Information (22.1%)
  7. Retail Trade (20.0%)
  8. Management of Companies and Enterprises (19.4%)
  9. Manufacturing (18.8%)
  10. Utilities (18.3%)

The data uses the same category definitions as the U.S. census. So if you want to know where your job falls, you can find it there.

The fact that healthcare and social assistance ranks so highly shows that a gender payment gap can exist even in female-dominated sectors. Even though women held 80% of the jobs in that industry, they are still paid just over 77 cents on the dollar, compared to their male counterparts.

The Glass Ceiling Can Mask the Gender Pay Gap

The PayScale data can be read raw (also called uncontrolled) or controlled by job title, job level, or years of experience. When controlled in this way, women’s wages are 98% of men’s in the same positions. But by doing so, researchers can inadvertently hide the true harm of unequal pay. Jeff Kauflin, a writer for Forbes, explains:

In this post we focused on PayScale’s raw, uncontrolled data, because controlling for a factor like management responsibilities ignores the fact that women can be blocked from promotions by gender discrimination. If you statistically remove the differences in corporate rank, you’re manipulating the numbers in a way that can hide the effects of gender bias.

The PayScale report calls this the “opportunity gap.” According to their data, Men are 85% more likely than women to be promoted to VPs or C-Suite executives by the middle of their career and 171% more likely to hold these positions later in their careers. Among 60 year old employees, more than 60% of women are still working at the individual contributor level. Among men, that number is only 45%. Since these promotions almost always come with a salary increase, an uncontrolled look at the raw data is better able to demonstrate the true gender pay gap.

Unequal Pay Is Illegal

The gender pay gap may be persistent, but in many cases it is also illegal. If your employer pays you less because of your gender, or passes you over for promotion based on your sex, you may have the grounds for a legal complaint under the Equal Pay Act or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. An employment discrimination attorney can help you determine whether you are the victim of gender discrimination and unequal pay.

At Eisenberg & Baum, LLP, we will help you review your situation and determine whether you should file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a private lawsuit in state or federal court, or pursue alternative routes to equality. No matter which strategy is best for you, we will help you fight to close the gender pay gap. Contact Eisenberg & Baum, LLP, today for a free consultation.

New Guidance on Employment Harassment Law

How do you know what your employer is supposed to do to prevent employment harassment? Is there anything you can do to show employers what they should be doing without filing a complaint? The new EEOC proposed guidance is a good place to start.

In this post I will discuss the newly proposed Enforcement Guidance on Unlawful Harassment published by the EEOC and how it will help employees and employers prevent and respond to harassment. I will explain how employees can use this guidance to their advantage with the help of skilled employment discrimination attorneys.

The EEOC Issues Proposed Employment Harassment Guidelines

On January 10, 2017 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued new proposed guidance on employment harassment policies. The EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal civil rights laws protecting employees from harassment based on “race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or genetic information.” However, over time, the way harassment happens, both at work and online, has changed. That means the agency’s policies need to change too. The proposed guidelines are designed to update several outdated EEOC policies, in light of the changing workplace.

New Guidelines Respond to Increasing Harassment Claims

From 2012 to 2015, the number of private harassment claims filed with the EEOC went up dramatically. In 2015, the EEOC received 27,983 private sector harassment claims. That’s over 30% of all charges filed that year. Among federal government employees, 44% of complaints included harassment. EEOC Chair Jenny R. Yang said in a statement:

“Harassment remains a serious workplace problem that is the concern of all Americans. It is important for employers to understand the actions they can take today to prevent and address harassment in their workplaces.”

To combat this trend, the new EEOC guidance breaks down harassment claims into 3 elements:

  • Is the conduct based on a legally protected status?
  • Does the conduct create a hostile work environment (because of severity or frequency)?
  • Is the employer responsible?

To help employers avoid problems at their workplace, the guidelines recommend an effective harassment complaint system which:

  • Has the resources to respond effectively, promptly, and thoroughly to complaints;
  • Is accessible in all languages commonly used by employees;
  • Allows multiple routes to file complaints;
  • Uses neutral investigators;
  • Protects the privacy of victims, alleged harassers, witnesses, and those who report behavior;
  • Protects those accused of harassment against premature assumptions of guilt.
  • Prevents retaliation against victims, witnesses, and those who report behavior.
  • Properly informs the person complaining about how the matter is resolved.

Online Employment Harassment

As business turns increasingly online, the EEOC has had to begin responding to claims of harassment occurring outside the workplace, including on social media. This has resulted in a broad definition of what is included in employment harassment. The proposal recommends that employers train employees on civility and explains that this includes online interactions. Civility trainings should be:

  • Encouraged by senior leadership
  • Reinforced regularly
  • Attended by all levels of employees
  • Provided in all languages commonly used by employees
  • Conducted in person or using active engagement tools
  • Tailored to the needs of each workplace
  • Evaluated by participants and updated accordingly

Civility Policies May Conflict With Existing Policies

Some legal experts say that the new EEOC employment harassment guidelines could contradict recent decisions by the National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB has taken the position that uncivil language used in the course of a labor dispute is protected speech. Regulating that language has resulted in at least one wrongful discharge claim. That could result in a legal challenge to settle the dispute between agencies. At least one member of the EEOC’s Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace seems to welcome that challenge. Jonathan Segal, an attorney with Duane Morris in Philadelphia and New York City, has been quoted as saying:

“‘Over time I expect and hope the board will cut back on its absurd uncivil treatment toward civility and its coddling of harassers.”

EEOC Invites Public Comment

The EEOC’s proposed language issued in January isn’t necessarily the final word on the matter. The agency is inviting public comment on their proposed guidelines until February 9, 2017. Members of the public are invited to submit input (in narrative form) at or by writing to Public Input, EEOC, Executive Officer, 131 M Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20507.

In the meantime, the EEOC and NLRB representatives may well resolve their differences. In either case, the EEOC will likely issue a final version soon after the deadline.

Using the Employment Harassment Guidance at Work

Even in rough form, the EEOC’s guidelines provide a starting point for conversations with an employer about harassment in the workplace. If you believe your supervisor or business isn’t living up to these standards, an employment discrimination attorney may be able to help. Contact Eisenberg & Baum, LLP, to schedule a consultation and find out how you can make the proposed guidance work for you.