Sheryl Eisenberg Michalowski
- Position: Co-Director of the Deaf Law Center
- Email ID: SEMichalowski@eandblaw.com
- Phone No: (646) 807-4096 (Videophone)
- Fax No: (212) 353-1708
Personal Experience & Biography
Sheryl Eisenberg Michalowski is the Co-Director of the Eisenberg & Baum Law Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, which she co-founded in 2011. Sheryl is also a deaf advocate and liasion for our clients and in the deaf communities that we serve.
Deaf since birth, Ms. Eisenberg Michalowski is fluent in American Sign Language. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis, and holds a master’s degree in deaf rehabilitation and mental health counseling from New York University. Ms. Eisenberg Michalowski has vast experience working with clients from a variety of backgrounds, and has a rich knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and many other relevant areas of the law.
Her role/tasks include:
- Facilitating and providing resources and training on deaf and hard of hearing topics.
- Supporting her colleagues and staff to improve familiarity with deaf culture.
- Providing clear and visual educational information to deaf/hard of hearing clients about legal terms and procedures that may not be familiar to them.
- Updating clients with ongoing or recent developments in legal status and case proceedings.
- Arranging sign language interpreters to meet clients’ communication needs such as ASL, CDI, and tactile.
- Establishing outreach and marketing of various legal services to the deaf and hard of hearing community through presentations, workshops or exhibitions.
- Ensuring that every deaf or hard of hearing person has the quality of life and respect they deserve.
- Enabling point-to-point communication with clients through videophone or message.
- Ensuring that all information is strictly confidential.
Past Employment
- Consultant for family dynamics, communication and advocacy. Work with deaf individuals with various levels of communication and their families.
- Sensitivity training on deafness with employers, parents, and families.
- Specializing in one-on-one, group, and parent education on topics such as deafness and communication with deaf and deaf-blind individuals who have hearing children/teenagers.
- Outreach specialist to educate high school students and various communities about deafness, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind for both deaf and hearing communities.
- Academic/Personal/Career Counselor for Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute of the Deaf (RIT/NTID).
- Career Opportunities Advisor for National Center on Employment.
- Senior Training Consultant/Coordinator for Vera Institute of Justice in NYC.
- New York School for the Deaf in White Plains — Guidance Counselor and Personal Counseling.
- Sign Language
- English