How Can I Prove I Was the Victim of Sexual Harassment If It’s My Word Against My Boss?
As a lawyer, one of the easier cases to argue is one where there is indisputable evidence your client was wronged. This is the smoking gun situation, where the defendant is clearly at fault. In the world of sexual harassment, these smoking gun cases are rare. What is more common is a war of words—different […]
Discrimination Against Deaf and Hard of Hearing Employees at Work
Eisenberg & Baum is proud to be a national leader in providing legal services to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. We’ve built a legal team, including a CODA attorney fluent in sign language and a deaf client liaison, who are committed to the legal issues faced by people with hearing loss, including […]
How Do I Choose the Best Employment Discrimination Attorney for My Case?
You believe you’ve been discriminated against at work and have a legal claim. Now what? You need to talk to a lawyer but how do you find the right one? Of course, we’d like for you to consider Eisenberg & Baum, but we also know that finding the best lawyer for your case is like any […]
What Is My Company Required to Do to Protect Its Employees Against Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination, which is prohibited under federal law and many state and local laws, including the New York Human Rights Law and the New York City Administrative Code. The act of harassment itself, which generally involves some unwanted sexual conduct, is carried out by individuals in the workplace, like […]
How Can an Employment Discrimination Claim Affect My Job?
One of the biggest concerns any victim of employment discrimination can have is whether their job may be impacted if they file a claim. For victims of employment discrimination, there is good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news, which is that employees are protected by law from retaliation for reporting discrimination […]
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*The firm has a member of the Florida Bar who will meet with potential clients by appointment only.
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